This is the entry-level Classical Guitar Course. Open to individuals starting at the age of _____ who wants to learn classical guitar.
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This is a group preparatory music course for children ages 3-6 years old. As preparation for individual instrument study, this course enables the children to explore the basic elements of music. The children will have a chance to be exposed to percussion, string, and wind instruments, experience rhythm, and get familiar with the basic music symbols. As they finish the course they will have a more definite idea on which instrument to pursue and study individually. The fun approach is a great way to start learning and enjoying music.

This is a preparatory course for piano intended for very young children who can not read yet. The children are guided, step by step as they discover the wonders of the piano instrument and the enjoyment it brings as they play and learn.
The Ukulele Course for Beginners is a step by step method on learning to play the instrument. It covers basic aspects from proper playing position to introducing rudimentary rhythmic principles using stick notation to represent strumming patterns. The development of finger strength is systematically emphasized by introducing one-finger chords and progresses up to three-finger chords. Song choices are carefully determined to complement the lessons and concepts being introduced.

This piano lesson id for beginners and little kids.

Objectives: At the end of this course/topic, the learner should be able to:
- Learn how to read the Ukulele Chord diagrams
- display more confidence in holding the instrument while playing
- play the chords C, C7 and F with more confidence
- play the chords C, C7 and F while using the following songs:
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Are You Sleeping, Brother John
Mary Had A Little Lamb
London Bridge

This class is for those who have had like a year worth of drumming lessons. It is our next level after Drums 101.

Drum lessons for little kids.

Drumming for people over the age of 18.

This is entry level Guitar course for the guitar student both for adult and children. We shall develop a slightly different course for the pre-school children aged 3- 6 years old.
The Aims of this course are:
1. To introduce students to the fundamentals of guitar playing
2. To show and elaborate on our teaching pillars: Theory, Techniques and Songs with ample examples of how this is accomplished.
3. To make Guitar training fun and enjoyable for all students.
4. To serve as the repository for all our teaching and provide the same user experience for all.

This course focuses on entry-level drummers. People with no prior drumming experience.
The primary aim of this course is to establish the fundamental techniques and theoretical basis for the at of drumming.
We focus on the following areas:
1. Sight reading - The staff, Notes, Metronome, Tempo, Clef,
2. Patterns and Fills
3. The Song - Parts of a song.

This course is about entry level piano lesson.

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